Welcome to Writing Down Our Years!

My goal for later life is to Age with Spirit. Through daily or weekly writing we learn to attend to the present moment, reflect on our past, and make wiser choices for the future.

My monthly Blog Aging with Spirit profiles older adults who write life stories and poems as part of their vital aging, presents Writing Exercises, and demonstrates benefits of writing for self and others. We focus on writing in the context of Aging with Resilience through a sense of purpose within community.

I invite you to learn more about Aging with Spirit and Writing in Later Life through the Writing Down Our Years book series, Resources, and Blog Archives on this website and to explore my other website Hamilton Aging in Community.

Ellen Ryan, McMaster University

Contact Info
Ellen Ryan, webhost: info@writingdownouryears.ca
Dep’t of Health, Aging and Society, KTH – 226, McMaster University Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
(905) 525-9140 Extension: 27035
Ellen B. Ryan Ph. D.
Professor Emeritus,
McMaster University
Specialist in Aging: Psychology, Communication, Spirituality, Writing Facilitator
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